God is awakening His Church across the nation, and you have a role to play. Pastor Allen’s prayer book, Awaken Us, offers 30 days of prayer, Scripture, and insight to help you focus and prepare for what’s ahead. By seeking God through prayer, we position ourselves to follow God’s leading, live with greater confidence and freedom, and fulfill the unique purposes He ordained for our lives.
Pastor Allen’s devotional book, Be Not Afraid, Be Not Discouraged, provides a month-long journey of devotions, prayers, and proclamations.
Each day offers Scripture, a devotional, and morning, midday, and evening prayers to help strengthen and encourage you—not because life is easy and everything's going your way—but because Almighty God is watching over you, and you can rest in His faithful care.
As reeling events continue to unfold in our nation and world, Pastor Allen offers an urgent message of hope. His new book, Big Trouble Ahead, delivers a real plan to help stabilize you through the shaking—and even flourish in the midst of it. As you join Pastor Allen in exploring recent world events in light of biblical and historical realities, you will:
In a time of deception and confusion, Big Trouble Ahead gives you a sound, biblical perspective to know what is true—and what truly matters.
An invitation to be courageous is really an invitation to choose faith over fear. It's about unleashing the limitless wisdom and power of Almighty Go through your willingness to yield and believe. Courageous Faith is a tool that gives you 365 daily devotionals, Scriptures, and prayers. Use it alongside your Bible reading time or look up the daily Scripture in your Bible to find the full story. As your faith grows in the One who is fighting your battles, your responses to the world will increasingly shift from fear to those of courage.
Reading the Bible in a daily, systematic way can help strengthen your faith. This English Standard Version Bible features a beautifully textured, bonded-leather cover. Inside, you'll find large-print text, a one-year Bible reading plan, and wide, lined margins—perfect for taking notes while you read.
Jesus says do not worry about clothing, money, or food, and the Apostle Paul tells us not to be anxious about anything. But what do you say? Worry can strangle joy and productivity from our lives, damage relationships, and hurt our health. It’s time to stop allowing worry, fear, and anxiety from stealing the very best life God has prepared for you. Freedom From Worry contains find practical strategies that will help you recognize worry, confront it, and release it so you can experience God’s peace.
It's not too late to impact our culture—God is more powerful than any challenge our nation faces. Over 200 years ago, God-fearing people built the foundations of our country, and the only way to carry God's Truth into our future is through us. Pastor Allen's book, God Bless America Again, can help us prepare.
The book contains the transcripts of seven of Pastor Allen's sermons focused on our nation and our responsibility to uphold God's Word in the midst of our culture. If we ignore or redesign our history to placate the whim of popular sentiment, we will forfeit much. Our nation was founded upon biblical principles by people with a desire to find an opportunity to worship the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, without interference from king or state church.
Our great freedoms and liberties have emerged from a Judeo-Christian worldview, derived from the Bible. Each generation must determine which principles will guide us. This is a tremendous responsibility, for it only requires three generations for an idea to be lost. If we fail to embrace those things which brought us liberty and freedom, and to teach them to the next generation, we are abandoning our responsibilities.
History is often seen as burdensome, dry, or laborious, but it's important. Understanding how God has consistently blessed America--time and again pouring out upon us His grace and mercy--provides hope for the days ahead. We cannot afford to forget our past--good and bad--or we will forfeit the best opportunities of our future. We are a people with a country! We are a people with a God! We are a people with a future, bright with possibility if we will once again turn in humility and honor Almighty God. God bless America, again!
Read the book and understand how a simple decision to follow Jesus can forever change your identity, your purpose, and your life.
This product is the Prayer Book, Today... I Willoffered in Spanish.
This is the Spanish version of Pastor Allen’s Prayer Book, Today... I Will. The Bible says to pray without ceasing, but sometimes it can be hard to get started. In this book, you’ll find 30 days of prayers, Scripture, and thoughtful quotes that can change your day for the better. You’ll also find writing prompts that help you personalize each day’s prayers. The purposes of God emerge as His people pray!
Culture often questions our identity, categorizing people by race, gender, political party, or social group. As Christ-followers, our single most defining characteristic is our relationship to Jesus. The In Christ book gives us a greater understanding of who we are in Christ and builds our confidence so we can speak and lead with our faith. We’ll discuss more than a dozen unique characteristics that define your life when you choose to follow Jesus, including becoming a child of God, salt and light, Jesus’ friend, a citizen of Heaven, justified, free of condemnation, and made new.
Read the book and understand how a simple decision to follow Jesus can forever change your identity, your purpose, and your life.
Intentional Faith invites you on a one-hundred-day adventure of experiencing God through ten practical, biblical practices that can reignite your faith and transform your life. By adding intention to your pursuit of spiritual growth, you can create unstoppable momentum as you chart a life-changing path to a deeper faith, while aligning your life with the heart of God. Our Intentional Faith Journal is the perfect companion to Pastor Allen's book, helping you document your journey, one day at a time.
Plus, sign up for Pastor Allen's FREE 100 Days of Faith Video-Driven Email Series, and you'll receive daily encouragement from Pastor Allen as you complete your Intentional Faith journey.
When we encounter challenging times, let’s decide to follow God with even greater determination, just like the Apostle Paul. Pastor Allen’s new 90-day devotional book, Lessons From Paul, applies the truth of Paul’s letters to our current circumstances to help encourage, equip, and strengthen us to follow the Lord, no matter what’s ahead. Each day includes a scripture, a devotional, a prayer, a writing prompt, and a place to journal. This full-sized book has an admirable look and feel, with its rounded corners, specialty binding, thick paper, and a ribbon bookmark.
Many of the difficulties the Apostle Peter faced are universal, and there is much we can learn from studying his life. Lessons from Peter offers 90 devotionals inspired by him—a man who walked with the Lord and overcame increasing challenges as his days unfolded.
Each day includes a scripture, a devotional, a prayer, a writing prompt, and a place to journal. Use this devotional book alongside your Bible reading time or look up the daily Scripture in your Bible to read the full story. Watch how the Lord transformed Peter’s heart, making an everyday fisherman into a man whose bold faith changed the course of history.
People who pray make a difference, and a few minutes directed toward God can yield great results. Pastor Allen’s book, Let’s Pray, provides 30 foundational prayers, Scriptures, inspiring quotes, and helpful questions to help fuel your prayer life each day. Take the prayers in this book and offer them to God yourself, with a friend, or as a family. The purposes of God emerge as His people pray!
It's impossible to avoid the shaking that life brings. It's only by anchoring ourselves in the immovable things of God that we can be truly stable, and able to stand when the storms come. Standing Firm is 365-day devotional that gives you a moment each day with Scripture and prayer. Use it alongside your Bible reading time, or look up the daily Scripture in your Bible to find the full story. Resolve to intentionally know God better today than you did yesterday, through His Word. He will be a firm foundation for you in every season.
The Bondage Breaker is a must-read for anyone seeking true freedom in Christ. Harmful habits, negative thinking, and irrational feelings can all lead to sinful behavior and keep you in bondage. If you feel trapped by any of these strongholds in your life, know that you are not alone—you can break free. Dr. Neil Anderson has brought hope to countless thousands facing similar spiritual attacks. His bestselling book, The Bondage Breaker, takes a holistic approach to spiritual warfare that is rooted in the Word of God. He offers seven steps that will help you overcome the challenges of life and release them to God, once-and-for-all. Pastor Allen frequently recommends The Bondage Breaker because it works—he has seen countless people experience new freedom in Christ through this book.